The water pollution is an important problem that we have in the world. This water pollute the lakes, the rivers... all the world.
We want to study the germination of the seeds in pollution agents.
Material: sheet, cotton wool, scissors, permanent marker, a 25 ml test-tube, a 100 ml test-tube, three Erlenmeyer o 3 precipitation vessels, lentils or soya seeds, distilled water, one pipette and one pipum, polluting solution.
Procedure: Take 10 ml of the polluting solution and put them in a 100 ml test-tube.
Fill it with distilled water up to 100 ml.
Pour this solution into a new Erlenmeyer labeled " polluting 0.1 ".
Take 10 ml of the "polluting 0.1" solution and put them in a 100 ml test-tube.
Fill the test-tube with distilled water up to 100 ml.
Pour this solution into a new Erlenmeyer labeled "polluting 0.01".
Take 10 ml of the " polluting 0.01" solution and put them into a 100 ml test-tube.
Fill the test-tube with distilled water up to 100 ml.
Pour this solution into a new Erlenmeyer labeled as " polluting 0.001".
How to prepare culture sheet:
Put a cotton wool layer on every Petri sheet.
Place 10 seeds on the sheet.
With the 25 ml test-tube, take 15 ml of the polluting solution and water the cellulose of the Petri sheet. Cover it and mark it so as you can identify the type of polluting and your name.
Repeat the procedure with the other 0.1 and 0.01 polluting solutions.
Water the fourth sheet with water alone.
Take the culture sheets to the windowsill.
We made this experience with diferences substances:
NaOH, NH3, NaCl.
We have four Petri sheets:
In one of them we put distilled water.
In the second, we put 10 ml of the polluting solution with water
In the third, we put 15 ml of the polluting solution with water.
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